have been a student of KCG College of Technology in the Computer Science and
Technology department in the lastfour years. I have learnt a lot in this time.
I was a member of the E-cell (cloud10) in all those year and I wasan E-leader
in the last two years. We have conducted several speaking and non-speaking
events, workshops and more. In our college we conducted the E-week in which we
have held youth parliaments, collage (art exhibition) and several marketing
events like the walkathon. We also conducted a start-up show case in which all
our college start-ups are allowed to show case there product. It helps them to
market their product. We also took part in “TATA FIRST DOT” conducted by NEN,
in which our students have won various awards. First dot plays a major role in
outreach of all start-ups through E-cel. I also had the opportunity to work
with two start-ups named Buk-It and Codaxsis. The start-ups are for selling second
hand books and selling websites respectively.
We conduct
KCG-BAZZAR every year. Initially, we did this during E-week during which time
we had 26 stalls. In our KCG-Bazzar we had 34 stalls in the first year and 41
in the second year. We made a net profit of nearly three and half lakhs in first
year and more than four lakhs in second year. I managed to supply women’s
accessories for stalls in the bazzar.
I have gained many things during this time. In my school days I was a below average
student and I was silent and didn’t take part in any activities. KCG College of
Technology gave me the opportunity to show my talents and build my self-confidence.
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